Weelcome to the real Etruscan

The way we have studied Etruscan up till now, nonrelated and simply based on rough translations, will never yield but mystery.

Cippus Perusinus translation

At last a full and real translation of Cippus Perusinus.
The Cippus Perusinus is a stone tablet discovered on the hill of San Marco, near Perugia, Italy, in 1822. The tablet bears 46 lines of Etruscan text, exquisitely carved into it. This stone tablet is a memorial stele. As we can see from the text below, this inscription is dedicated to Velthina, a great Etruscan noble. The priest Afuna and his son Larthal, are going to build a new grave for Velthina’s remains, placed into a cave. After they have brought his remains into the cave, while resting a little outside, meditating, something happens. These events are reflected on the text.
The date of the inscription is considered to be 3rd or 2nd century BCE. The Cippus is conserved in the National Archeological Museum of Perugia.

The transliteration
Is the same (slightly corrected) as wikipedia’s version, edited at 18: 50; 07 December 2009, which refers to:
-Bonfante, Giuliano; Bonfante, Larissa (2002). The Etruscan Language: an Introduction. Manchester, University of Manchester Press. ISBN 0-7190-5540-7
-Cristofani, Mauro, et al. (1984). Gli Etruschi: una nuova immagine. Firenze, Giunti Martello.
-Cristofani, Mauro (1979). The Etruscans: A New Investigation (Echoes of the ancient world)Orbis Pub. ISBN 0-85613-259-4.
-Rix, Helmut (1991). Etruskische Texte. G. Narr. ISBN 3-8233-4240-1. 2 vols.,

Corrected characters are in blue:
1- The second sentence, which is: “…. Afuna-s spel ...”, corrected as: “...Afuna š’slel ...”;
2- The fourth sentence, which is: “...Velθina-š Arnza-l, clen-ši…” corrected as: “...Velθinaš arznal clenši…” and “...Larθal-š Afuni-š, clan,  …”, corrected as: “…Larθal, š’Afuneš clen, … “;
3- The first sentence of the Side B, which is: “...zuci enesc-i ipa spelane-θi …” corrected as: “Zu ci enesci i pa  špela ne θi …”; and “…spel-θi, rene-θi …” corrected as: “…špel θi, rene θi …”
4- The second sentence of the Side B, which is: “Esta=c Velθina, ...” corrected as: “Ešt ac Velθina, ...”.
Here is the original text (transliterated):

Side A

Side B

The word identification
It’s the most difficult part of the decipherment because of unseparated words.
1- There are some words separated with dots: cenu; eplc; naper; clel; cnl; zea; enesci; afunaš; ama; velthina; cla; ih; zihuhe
2- Some other dots used after two (or more) words, help us too.
3- There are some words which are repeated more than one time (velthina, afuna, naper, enesci, fušl etc.).
4- There are more than forty Albanian alike words (quite equal):
tan, na, la, ca, ru, zan, š’te, ish, ri, pa, naper, cem, ul, zu, ci, šcuna, hie, hin, cap, mu, su, hut, zia, zinia, ma mer, e ca, tha, lutes, ne, ce i, špel, hare,  še, i pa, špela, lun, rene, ešt, tu ru ne, šcu, a thu mi, pen, u niei, zeri.
5- There are more than twenty Albanian alike words with a slight phonetic change:
Urat/urët; rez/rrez; ula/ulëme/më; vahr/varr; eštla/eštra; slel/siell; eth/edhtesn/tešhi/hir; peraš/periašt; epl/epr; cenu/cetu; the/them; clet/cret; falšti/folšt; inte/ende; ura/urata; aten/at’her,uta/ata; mena/mrenahen/hin; cš/cuš; ceha/cena; zihuhe/nzihun etc.
6- There are some Albanian articles: e, i, te; proclitic and enclitic forms of the personal pronouns: na, ma, u, e, i; prepositions: naper, me/m’, ne/n’, etc.

Let’s take the first line of this inscription, just as it is written on the stone tablet:  
1- teurat.tanna.la rez ulame vaχr.
By the Albanian point of view, we can give shape to the words of this line, getting out these Albanian alike ones: Te urat tan na la rez ula me vaχr, calling them 'presumed Etruscan' words, which in nowadays Gheg Albanian dialect pronounce: Te urë(or: t' urët) tan na lan rrez ulë më varr (or: m' varr); which in nowadays Tosc Albanian dialect (standard Albanian refers to this dialect) pronounce: Të urtët tanë na lanë rreze ulët (poshtë) në varr; which in English means: Our nobles bequeathed us rays (light) down (into) their grave. 
I'm using both Gheg and Tosc dialects of Albanian because Etruscan is more understandable in Gheg, while standard Albanian refers to Tosc.
Let's analyse these nine (geg/tosc) Albanian words of this line.
1- te/të: article used before nouns or adjectives. (Tosc): Të dashur prindër! = dear parents! (Geg): Te urët tan = our nobles;
This article is used in all Etruscan inscriptions.
2- urët/urtët: = nobles (adj. plur). Te urët/të urtët = the nobles (adj. noun). The root of this word is ur which in Albanian means: 1- a piece of lighted wood we need to light the fire; 2- bridge.
Etruscan meaning of ur or urh is way.
There are some Albanian words which contain this root: Urat/uratë = prayer, priest; I urt/i urtë = quiet, wise, noble (adj. singul.); te urët/të urtët = quiet, noble (adj. plur.); uroj/uroj = wish (verb); Urim/urim = wish (noun); urtni/urtësi = quietness, wisdom, nobility.
3- tan/tanə: = our.
4- na: an abbreviated form of the albanian personal pronoun ne = we; us: Na ep = he/she gives us; na dha = he/she gave us; na la pasunin/pasurinë = he/she bequeathed us the wealth; na lan/ë t ë lir/ ë = they left us free.
5- le/lë: 1- leave; 2- allow; 3- bequeath; 4- handle; 5- hands off. Ai/ajo la = he/she left; ata/ato lan/lanë = they left. I've found this word in Pyrgi tablets too (s'e le Itala = I don't leave Italy); in Tabula Cortonensis [s’u la petruśc = (he) did'nt   give soldiers to them].
6- rrez/rreze = rays.
7- Ulë = 'down', 'below' (in Gheg). It's root is ul used in both Albanian dialects as a verb that means to lower, to drop, to bend, to sit (down), to put (down), to lay (down) etc. I have found this word too in Tabula Cortonensis (tra ulac t’iur ten θurs = while I got down here to say you ...).
8-më or m' = in, on, into. It's in gegean. In toscan: në or n' = in, on, into. 
I have found this preposition, pronounced 'me', 'm', 'ne', 'ni' or 'n'. (in all inscriptions).
9- varr = grave.
The Gheg Albanian words te, tan, na are quite identical with the ‘presumed Etruscan’ words: te, tan, na (Te urat tan na la rez ula me vaχr).
The other ‘presumed Etruscan’ words: urat, la, rez, ula, me, vaχr seem clearly akin to the Albanian words:urət, lan, rrez, ulə, mə, varr, but this fact does not mean yet these are real Etruscan words. These words would be real Etruscan if:
1- the Albanian alike words of the Etruscan inscriptions are placed according to the Albanian syntactic rules. If any change, it should be the same for all Etruscan inscriptions which would express its syntactic peculiarities.
2- the common Albanian alike words of this inscription and of all other ones, have the same and adequate meaning in every context.
3- there is a logical link of the sentence's words.
4- there is/are adequate content/s of the text/s.

The text  

ITe urat tan na la rez ula me vaχr.
II- Lautn Velθinaš eštla Afuna š’slel, eθ ca ru te zan fušl, e ri tesn.
III- Š’te iš Rašneš i pa ama, χen naper χi i Velθinaθuraš araš.
IVPeraš cem ul, mlescul.
VZu ci enesci epl tu laru Auleši, Velθinaš arznal clenši.
VIΘi i θil šcuna cenu, eplc felic.
VIILarθal, š’Afuneš clen, θunχul θe falaš.
VIIIΧie m’ fušl e Velθina.
IXXin θa cap, e mu ni clet, ma su.
XNaper šranc zlθi i falšti Velθina.
XIXut naper penezš, ma su.
XIIAc ni na! Clel Afuna.
XIIIVelθina mler zinia.
XIVInte ma mer cnl.
XVVelθina zia, š’aten e tesne.
XVIE ca Velθinaθuraš! – θa ura, χe lutes ne Rašne.
XVIICe i tesn, š’te iš Rašneš Χimθ, špelθ uta šcuna; Afuna mena χen.
XVIIINaper ci cnl - χare, utu še Velθina š’atena.
XIXZu ci enesci i pa špela ne θi fulumχva.
XXŠpel θi, rene θi.
XXIEšt ac Velθina; aci lun, e tu ru ne šcu ne Zea.
XXIIZu ci enesci: A θu mi cš Afunaš, pen θ’na ama Velθina?
XXIIIAfunaθur u ni ei n’ zeri una claθil θunχulθl.
XXIVIχ ca ceχa ziχuχe.

Translated in Gheg Albanian

Blue lines are in Etruscan
Red lines are in Gheg Albanian

1-Te urat tan na la rez ula me vaχr.
Te urət tan na lan rez  ulə mə varr.

2-La-utn Velθinaš eštla Afuna š’slel, eθ ca ru te zan fušl e ri tesn.
Eštrat e Lart-urtni Velθinas Afuna š’siell, edh ca ru te zan pusn (guvn) e ri teš.

3-Š’te iš Rašneš i pa ama, χen naper χi i Velθinaθuraš araš.
Š’te iš Etrusc i pa cenə, χin naper χir i Velθinas s’art

4-Peraš cem ul, mlescul.
Periašt cem ul, mplecsun (mledhun).

5-Zu ci enesci epl tu laru Auleši, Velθinaš arznal clenši.
Zu ci prifti epr tu lartu Aulesin, birin e ziarrt t’Velθinas.

6-Θi i θil šcuna cenu, eplc felic.
Θirr e θirr (duke folur) šcun cetu, plac - filic (bir). 

7-Larθal, š’Afuneš clen, θunχul θe falaš.
Larθali, diali Afunes, digχion θenie fialaš.

8-Χie m’ fušl e Velθina.
Xie m’ pus (guv) e Velθinas.

9-Xin θa cap, e mu ni clet, ma su.
Xin ta cap, e mu ni cret, ama su.

10-Naper šranc zlθi i falšti Velθina.
Naper štancie (šmangie), zəθi i folšti Velθina.  

11-Xut naper penezš, ma su.
Xutet naper pamie, ama su.

12-Ac ni na! Clel Afuna.
A ca na ni! Cliθ Afuna.

13-Velθina mler zinia.
Velθinan e mler (mlon) zinia.

14-Inte ma mer cnl.
Ende ma mer levizien.

15-Velθina zia, š’aten e tesne.
Velθina zi, š’atχer e teš.

16-E ca Velθinaθuraš! – θa ura, χe lutes ne Rašne.
E ca trupi Velθinas! – θa urata, e lutet ne Rašne.

17-Ce i tesn, š’te iš Rašneš Χimθ, špelθ uta šcuna; Afuna mena χen.
Ce i teš, š’te iš Xiu (Xyu) Rašneš, špellt ata šcun; Afuna mrena χin.

18-Naper ci cnl - χare, utu še Velθina š’atena.
Naper cət levizie-χare, aty še Velθinan si atχera.

19-Zu ci enesci i pa špela ne θi fulumχva.
Zu ci prifti i pa yjt ne rrefime (thenie) špelle.

20-Špel θi, rene θi.
Špela θir (flet), rene θir (flasin).

21-Ešt ac Velθina; aci lun, e tu ru ne šcu ne Zea.
Ešt aty Velθina; aty lun, e tu ru ne šcu ne Zoti.

22-Zu ci enesci: A θu mi cš Afunaš, pen θ’na ama Velθina?
Zu ci prifti: A θu mi cuš Afunas, pa t’na qe Velθina?

23-Afunaθur u ni ei n’ zeri una claθil θunχulθl.
Afuna e niu edhe n’zeri nia cliθm cχe digχion.

24-Iχ ca ceχa ziχuχe.
I cət cena nziχun (šcru).  

Cippus Perusinus in standard Albanian
1-Të urtët tanë, na lanë dritë poshtë në varr.
2-Eshtrat e Lart të Urtit Velthina, -Afuna ç’sjell, dhe ka ruajtur të zënë guvën, e rri tashmë.  
3-Si të ish Etrusk i pa qenë, hyn nëpër hir të trupit të artë të Velthinës.  
4-Përjashta jemi ulur, bashkë.
5-Zuri ky prifti epër të lëvdojë Aulen, birin e zjarrtë të Velthinës.
6-Fjalë pas fjale erdhën këtu, plak e bir.
7-Larthali, djali i Afunës, dëgjon thënie fjalësh.
8-Hije në guvë e Velthinës.
9-Hyn t’a kapë, e mu në kryet, por s’mund.
10-Nëpër shmangie, zëthi i fliste Velthina.
11-Hutet nëpër pamje, por s’mund.
12-A ka ndonji këtu! - klith Afuna.
13-Velthinën e mbulon terri.
14-Ende ma mer lëvizjen.
15-Velthina zi (terr), si at’herë e tani.
16-I përket trupit të Velthinës!  –tha urata, e lutet në Rashne.
17-Në çast, si të ish Hyu Rashnesh, te shpella ata shkuan; Afuna hyn brenda.
18-Nëpër këtë lëvizje – hare, aty sheh Velthinën përsëri.
19-Zuri ky prifti i pa yjet në thënie (rrëfime) shpelle.  
20-Shpella thotë (flet), retë thonë (flasin).
21-Është aty Velthina; aty luan, e duke na ruajtur ne, shkon në zoti.
22-Zuri ky prifti: A mi thotë kush Afunës, pa të na qe Velthina?
23-Afuna e njeh madje në zëri klithmën që dëgjon.
24-Këtë kemi shkruar!

Translated in Gheg Albanian, in Standard Albanian and in English

- Numbered lines (in bold) are in Etruscan.
Geg: Translated in Gegean Albanian dialect.
StA: Translated in standard Albanian.
- Translated in English.
Both Etruscan and Gegean Albanian are written in the same alphabet.
Standard Albanian is written in Albanian alphabet.

1-Te urat tan na la rez ula me vaχr.
GegTe urət tan na lan rrez ulə mə varr.
StA.Të urtët tanë na lanë rreze (dritë) poshtë në varr.
Our nobles left us rays (light) down the grave.

2-Lautn Velθinaš' eštla Afuna š’slel, eθ ca ru te zan fušl, e ri tesn.
GegEštrat e te Lartit (La-urtni) Velθina, -Afuna š’siell, eð ca ru te zan pusn (guvn), e rri teš.
StA. Eshtrat e të Urtit Velthina, -Afuna ç’sjell, dhe ka ruajtur të zënë guvën (pusin), e rri tash.
Noble Velthina's remains Afuna brings, and has kept the cave occupied and rests now.

 3-Š’te iš Rašneš i pa ama, hen naper χi i Velθinaθuraš araš.
Geg. š’te iš etrusc i pa cen, hin naper χir i Velθinas art.
StA. Si të ish etrusk i pa qenë, hyn nëpër hir të Velthinas së artë.
Like to be a nonexistent etruscan, enters through the grace of the golden Velthina.

4-Peraš cem ul, mlescul.
GegPeriašt cem ul, mplecsun.
StA. Përjashta jemi ulur, mpleksur (bashkë).
Outside (of the cave) we are seated, together.

5-Zu ci enesci epl tu laru Auleši, Velθinaš arznal clenši.
GegZu ci prifti epr tu lartu Aulesin, birin e ziarrt (e ndritun) te Velθinas.
StA. Zuri ky prifti epër të lartojë Aulesin, birin e zjarrtë (e ndritur) të Velthinas.
The old priest began to laud Aulesi, Velthina’s virile (radiant) son.

6-Θi i θil šcuna cenu, eplc felic.
GegΘir e θir šcun cetu, plac e filic (bir).
StA. Thirr e thirr shkuan këtu, plak e filik (bir).
While speaking they came here, the old man and the junior.

7-Larθal, š’Afuneš clen, θunχul θe falaš.
GegLarθali, diali  Afunes, d
əgion θenie fialaš.
StA. Larthali, çuni i Afunës, dëgjon thënie fjalësh.
Larthal, Afuna’s son, hears words -saying.

8-Χie m’ fušl e Velθina.
GegΧie m’pus (guv) e Velθinas.
StA. Hije në pus (guvë) e Velthinas.
Ghost of Velthina into the cave.

9-Χin θa cap e, mu ni clet, ma su.
Geg. Xin ta cap, e mu ni cret, ama su.
StA. Hyn ta kap, e mu në kryet ( kokë), ama s’mund.
Enters to catch him, just around the head, but can't

10-Naper šranc zlθi i falšti Velθina.
GegNaper šmancie, z
əθi i folšti Velθina.
StA. Nëpër shmangie, zëthi i folte Velthina.
While shrinking back, in a gentle voice spoke Velthina
11-Xut naper penezš, ma su.
Geg. Xutet naper pamie, ama su.
StA. Hutohet nëpër pamje (fantazmë ), ama s’mund.
Confuses through the vision, but can’t.
12- Ac ni na! -clel Afuna.
GegA ca na ni! -cliθ Afuna.
StA. A ka ndo nji! -klith Afuna.
Is there any one! Cries Afuna.

13-Velθina mler zinia.
GegVelθinan e mler (mlon) zinia.
StA. Velthinën e mbulon zija (terri).
The darkness covered Velthina.

14-Inte ma mer cnl.
Geg. Ende ma mer rrugen (levizien).
StA. Ende ma merr rrugën (lëvizjen ).
Again he takes the way (move).

15-Velθina zia, š’aten e tesne.
GegVelθina zi, š’ at’her e teš.
StA. Velthina zi (terr), si atëherë e tani.
Velthina dark, now and then.
16-E ca Velθinaθuraš! - θa urah, e lutes ne Rašne.
GegE ca trupi Velθinas! - θa urata e lutet ne Rašne.
StA. E ka trupi Velthinas! – tha urata e lutet në Rashne.
It belongs to Velthina’s body! -said the prayer, and prays on Rashne.
17-Ce i tesn, š’te iš Rašneš χimθ, špelθ uta šcuna; Afuna mena hen.
Gegce i teš, š’te iš Hiu Rašneš, špellt ata šcun; Afuna mrena hin.
StA. Që tani, si të ish Hyu Rashnesh, në shpellë ata erdhën; Afuna hyn brenda.
Just now, like He was Rashnesh God, they came at the cave; Afuna enters in.

18-Naper ci cnl - hare, utu še Velθina š’atena.
GegNaper cio levizie – hare, aty še Velθinan si at’hera.
StA. Nëpër këtë l
ëvizje – hare, aty sheh Velthinan si at’herë.
Through this delight way (move), there hi sees Velthina again.

19-Zu ci enesci i pa špela ne θi fulumχva.
GegZu ci prifti i pa yjt ne θenie špelle .
StA. Zu ky prifti i pa yjet në rrëfimin e shpellës.
The priest saw the stars through the cave's saying.

20-Špel θi, rene θi.
GegŠpella θir, rena θir.
StA. Shpella thirr (thotë), retë thirr (thonë).
The cave says (tells), the clouds say (tell)

21-Ešt  ac Velθina; aci lun, e tu ru ne šcu ne Zea.
GegEšt aty Velθina, aty lun, e tu ru ne šcu ne Zoti.
StA. Është aty Velthina, atje luan (lëviz), e duke na ruajtur ne, shkon në Zoti.
There is Velthina, there he moves, and guarding (watching) us, goes to the God.

22-Zu ci enesci: A θu mi cš Afunaš, pen θ’na ama Velθina?
GegZu ci prifti: A θu mi cuš Afunas, pa t’na qe Velθina?
StA. Zu ky prifti: A mi thotë kush Afunës, pa të na qe Velthina?
The priest said: Who can tell me, Afunas, if he saw there was Velthina?

23-Afunaθur u ni ei n’zeri una claθil θunχulθl.
GegAfuna e niu  e n’zeri nia cliθm cχe d
StA. Afuna e njeh madje n’zëri thirrjen që dëgjon.
Afuna knew even by the voice, the cry hearing.

24- Iχ ca ceχa ziχuχe.
GegI c
ət cena nziχun (škruit).

StA. Këtë kemi nxirë (shkruar).
That we have blackened (written)

And now let’s analyse all the words of the text

I-Te urat tan na la rez ula me vaχr.

1-Te  = 1- article “the”, “of”; 2- to.
In Albaniante/të; article used before: both singular and plural nouns; nouns of the genetive case; articled adjectives; adjective nouns  This  article is used also to form the conditional, etc..

2-  Urat (te urat) = nobles (the nobles).
In Gheg Albaniante  urët (or: turët) = the nobles.
In standard Albanian urtët = the nobles; i urti = the noble (def. adj. noun).
The singular form of the Etruscan te urat might have been “i uri” which is the etymology of jury (n) used in almost all European languages.
In Gheg Albanianurti/urtni = correctnessnobility;
In Greekορθά = rightstraight; ορθή = correct.

3-  Tan  = our.
“Of our” genitive plural of the first person pronoun. In nowadays Albanian: tanë.
It’s regular form is “te an (tan) or “te on” (ton), (both owner and property are in plural) or:
i on”, in nowadays Albanian: “jonë” /jonə/ (the owner is in plural but the property is in singular). Eg: Ion Sea (Ionian Sea) which was called Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) by latins.
In Gheg Albaniantan = our.
In standard Albaniantanë = our.

4- Na  = us. 
In Albanian it is a proclitic and enclitic form of the personal pronoun (first person, plural), eg: na gatuaj/gatuana = (you, singl.) cook for us!         

5- La  = left (the past tense of the Etruscan verb le = let, leave, lay)
In Albanianla = left -the past tense of le/ = laylet, leave in third person, singular. In Pyrgi Tabletss’e le Itala = I don’t leave the Italy. The past tense of the Etruscan word le = laylet, leave, - seems to be la in all persons.
 Anyway, we have to wait and see.
In standard Albanian: shoj = to let go of, to release.  
In Italian: lasciare = to let go of, to release.

6- Rez   = ray/s (light).
In Gheg Albanian: rez/rrez = ray/s.
In standard Albanian: reze/rreze = ray/s.
This Etruscan word survives in many European languages.
In Albanian rez/rreze;
In English ray;
In Latin ra-dio;
In Italian ra-ggio etc., etc..
The etymology of the Etruscan/Albanian word rez/rreze is ra-zea. See the Etruscan word Zea. Compare the Thracian word ra-zea and the Latin word ra-dio (Ra = Egyptian God of the sun; Zea/Dio = God).  See http://thracian-translation.blogspot.com

7- Ula   = low, down (adv.).
In Gheg Albanianulë = down (adv.); low (adv.).
In standard Albanian: 1- ulët = low (adv.); down (adv.); 2- poshtë = down (adv.).
In Gheg Albanian: mo i ulti = the lowest (masc).
In Italian: ult-i-mo = the last (masc.).

8- Ul   = lay (down); to lower; drop (down); sit (down).
In Albanianul = lay (down), drop (down); to lower; to sit down.
It’s the root of these Albanian words: ulët = low (adv.); i/e ulët = low (adj.);
Ultësirë = lowland;  
In Italian: ultimo; ulna; ultra; etc..

9-M, me  = in, on, into.
In Gheg Albanianm’/ = inoninto.

10-Vaχr   = grave.
In Albanian: varr = grave.

II- La-utn Velθinaš eštla Afuna š’slel, eθ ca ru te zan fušl, e ri tesn.

11- La = 1- high, up; 2- pure  
In Albanianlaj /laj/ = purify, clean (v); lart = high;
In colloquial Albanian: la = up;   
Both lart and la are used in Etruscan too.

12- Lautn /lautən/ noble.
It’s a compound word: la urtni = high (pure) nobility.
In Italian: lauto = generous; lauda = praise, hymn.
In Tabula Cortonensis: latin = noble;
Ce latina apnal cleniarc! = what an open noble youth (gioventu)!

Velθina  = a man’s name; Velθinaš = of Velthina (Velthina’s).

13- Eštla  = remains, bones.
In Albanianeshtra = remainsbones.

Afuna = a man’s name.

    - š       = see nr 23 - š.

14- Slel   = bring/s.
In Albaniansiell/sjell = bring/s.

15- Eθ    = and.
In Gheg Albanianedh = and.

16- Ca    = has.
In Albanianka = has.
In Italianha = has.
In Greekέχει = has.

17- Ru  guard, take care of, keep (in memory).
In Gheg Albaniantu ru = to guardto take care of, to keep (in memory).
In standard Albanian:  Ruaj = guardtake care of, keep (in memory);
Rojë   /rojə/ = guard (n); guardsman; caretaker;
Roja  /roja/ = the guardsman, the caretaker;
The Albanian word rojë is the etymology of the English word roy-al.
Re = notice, observation (n).
The Albanian word re is the etymology of the Italian word re = king (observer,
the person who takes notice); It is also the wordroot of real = noticeable, observable (used in almost all European languages).
Etruscan ca ru means has kept.
The Etruscan expression tu ru ce (used in funerary inscriptions) means:
you’ll be kept (in memory).

18- Zan (te zan) occupied.
In Gheg Albanianzan/zon = occupied;
It’s the etymology of zone (occupation), used in almost all European languages.
In standard Albanian: zënë = occupied.
Zan/zon/zënë is the past participle of the Albanian verb ze/ = 1- occupy;
2- catch; 3- begin.

19- Fušl   = cave.
In Albanianfus/fut = insert; infuse; pus = well (n).
In Greekβυθίζομαι = cave.

20- E      = and.  
In Italiane = and;
In Albaniane = and.

21- Ri    = rest/s.
In Albanianri/rri = rest/s.
The English word rest means: to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or because of illness.
The Albanian word ri has the meaning to renew/regenerate.
In Albanian: ri (i ri) = youngnew (masc.); re (e re) = young, new (fem.);
rini = youthrinia = the youth (fem.); ris/rris = grow, rise (first pers. singl.); roj/rroj (ri-oj) = to live, to exist.
This word survives in almost all European languages as a prefix ri- (or re-) meaning again. In Albanian it has the meaning of renew and stands as a wordroot in: roj/rroj = live (v), exist (ri-oj = to repeat/renew myself), which is formed by ri/rri and the sufix –oj, as the majority of verbs in Albanian;
It is not by coincidence it’s similarity with the Greek word ροή = flow (n), current.
In Albanian: riedh/rrjedhë = flow (n), current (n) which is formed by ri- and (h)edh = cast (v&n).
Let’s take the Albanian word ris or rris
Ris/rris = to grow or to rise sb/sth (first person, singular); 
La ris (or: lart rris, see the Etruscan word lart/la) = to grow up or to rise sb/sth.
In Etruscan: la-ris (n&v) = 1- to grow up, to rise; 2- rise (n); 3- youth; 4- growth.
Larisa = 1- the youth, 2- the rise, 3- the growth.
Larisal = young (adj.); Larisali = the young (boy); etc. (in Tabula Cortonensis there are many words, like: lalartlartlelarzalarislarisalarisallarisalilarizak etc.).

22- Tesn   = now.
In Gheg Albaniantesh/tash = now.        
In standard Albaniantanitashtanimë, tashmë = now.

III- Š’te iš Rašneš i pa ama, χen naper χi i Velthinaθuraš araš.

23- Š  = 1- as, like; 2- that (conj.).
In Gheg Albaniansh = 1- as ; like; 2- that (conj.);
In standard Albanian: 1-  = that (conj.); 2- si = aslike.
Š’te iš... = like he was...  .

24- Iš    = was (third person, singular).
In Albanianish = was (third person, singular).

25- Rašne    = 1- God; 2- the Ra God. 3- Etruria (indef.)

26-Rašneš = 1- etruscan; 2- believer in the Ra god.

27- I   = of.
In Albanian: i = 1- article (in genitive case for masc. nouns); 2- abbreviated form of the personal pronouns (third person): in dative for the singulars and in accusative for the plurals, eg:
- A i di ti c’jane ekuacionet ? = do you have idea what the equations are?
- Posi, i di krejt = yes, I know them all (I have idea).  
The Albanian word di has a very special meaning. It means to be illuminated.
It’s the wordroot of diell = sun; dite = day; dia/dija = the insight; Dio = God, and of course, it’s the wordroot of idea

 28- Pa   = 1- Un-, non-, (prefix, used to describe the opposite of a process);
2- Without.
In Albanianpa = 1- un-, non-, (prefix, used to describe the opposite or reverse of a process); 2- without.
In Italian and Greek: patema, paura, πάθος, etc.

29- Ama   = been (p.p. of ame = am), third person, singular.
This Etruscan word (ame) survives in many European languages.
In Greekείμαι = am;
In Englisham;
In Albanianjam /iam/= am; etc..

30- χenχin  = enters.
In Gheg Albanianhin = enters.
In standard Albanian: hyn = enters.

31- Naper   = through.
In Gheg Albaniannaper through;
In standard Albanian: nëpër = through.

32- χ  = 1- grace (masc.); 2- he (pronoun, third person, singular; masc.). 
In Albanianhir = grace (masc.); HiHy = He (referring to God); 
In Gheg Albanian: hai/ai = he.
In Englishhe = pronoun (third person, singular; masc.), sb. who is not present (masc.). 
In TurkishHu = He (referring to God);

In Albanian: hije /hie/= vision; beauty; shadow, ghost (fem.).
33- Θur  = knit; build (n&v).
In Albanianthur = knitbuild (v).
Thur fjale = to say (to build sentences);
Thur gardhin = to build the fence.
Thur bluzen = to knit the blouse.

34- i Velθinaθuraš  = of the Velthina’s body. See θur.

35- Araš golden.
In AlbanianAr = goldart/artë = golden (we’ll see later that there are many Etruscan adjectives ending in –).
This adjective noun (art) is the etymology of the art, used in almost all European languages;
In Italianoro = gold;
In Frenchor = gold; Etc..

IV- Peraš cem ul, mlescul.

36- Peraš   = outside (adj.).
In GhegAlbanianperiasht = outside;
In standard Albanian: përjashta = outside.

37- Cem   = have (first person, plural).
In Gheg Albaniankem = have (first person, plural).
In Greek: έχουμε = have (first person, plural).

38- Ul  = sit (down); lay (down); drop (down).
In Albanianul = sit (down); lay (down), drop (down).
Etruscan cem ul as well as Gheg Albanian kem ul means: (we) are seated.

39- Mlescul  = together. 
In Albanian: mpleksurmbledhur = gathered.       

V- Zu ci enesci epl tu laru Auleši, Velθinaš arznal clenši.

40- Zu  = began (third person, singular). 
In Gheg Albanianzu = began (third person, singular);
In standard Albanian: zuri = began (3-rd pers. singl.).

41- Ci   = this; that.
In Albanian ki/ky = this.
In Italianchi = thisthatwhowhom. Etc..

42- Enesci  = the priest, the prince, the first.
In Greekena = one;
In Albanianniešc (njëshk) = first.

43- Epl  /epəl = old, round shouldered.
In Albanian: 1- epr = upper; super; 2- epur = bentscooped (with age);    
In Greekπαλιός = old.
In Tabula Cortonensisepr ame = I’m older. See below the word eplc /epləc/.

44- Tu   = to.
In Gheg Albaniantu = to.

45- Laru (tu laru) = to laud, to appraise.
In Gheg Albaniantu lartu/tu lavdu = to laud.
In standard Albanian: lartoj/lëvdoj = laud.

Aule  = a man’s name.
Auleš = caressing form of Aule.
Auleši = def. form of Auleš.

46- Arznal /arzənal/ 1- virile, manly (adj.), agile.; 2- versed (adj).
In Greekαρσενικός = virile
Nearly like Italian arzillo = agile, nimble. 
This Etruscan/Greek word is the etymology of arsenal.

47- Clenši   = 1- the boy, the son; 2- the offspring;
In Gheg Albanianklinshi/klishi = the animal’s offspring (masc.).
In standard Albanianklyshi/këlyshi = the animal’s offspring (masc.).
Klish/këlysh kurve = son of prostitute (son of bitch).

VI- Θi i θil šcuna cenu, eplc felic.

48- Θi, θil  1- tell; 2- call; 3- say.
In Italiandi’; dire = say;
In Albanian: 1- thirrthirrje = callappeal (n&v); 2- them = say;
In Greekδιηγούμα tell etc..
Θi i θil while speaking (expression). Literally it means: say of saying.

49- Šcuna  = went (third person, plural).
In Gheg Albanianshkun = went (third person, plural);
In standard Albanian: shkuan = went (third person, plural).

50- Cenu  = here.
In Albanianketu/këtu = here.
In Italian: qua, qui = here.

51- Eplc /epləkold man.
In Albanian: plak = old man. See epl /epəl/.

52- Felic  1-junior.
In Albanianfelikfilik = kittenbud.
In Greekφιλαράκος = budbuddy.
Etruscan word felic is an adjective noun: fel (or fil) + ic (the suffix –ic is used to form the adjectives. Eg:  Afric and Baltic are adjective nouns, which in Albanian mean: afr/afër = nearclose and balt/baltë = mud. So, Afric = closenear (adj.) and Baltic = mudy).
In Albanianfill = 1- thread; 2- alone (meaning one);  zë fill = come up;
Filloj = begin; fillim = beginning, start.
In Italianfilo = thread.
In Greekβελονιάζω = thread.
In Italian: figlio/a son/daughter.
In Albanian: bir/bijë = son/daughter;
In Turkishbir = one.
Etruscan felic is the etymology of the Italian word felice (felicše = childishly). 

VIILarθal, š’Afuneš clen, θunχul θe falaš.

53- Clen   = 1- boy, son; 2- offspring; 3- successor, descendant.
This is a compound word: clen (cə + len). 
In Gheg Albaniankë /kə/= whomlen = give birth.
kë len = someone who is sb’s offspringdescendant.   
In standard Albanian: kë whom; len pronounce ler/lind = give birth.

54- Θunχul  = hears.
In Gheg Albaniandigχion = hears;
In standard Albanian: gjon = hears.
It’s a compound word: θu+nχul which in Albanian pronounces thu+ngul.
Thu = say (sec. pers., singular); ngul = inculcate; put up; impale.  

55- Θu  = say (second person, singular).
In Gheg Albanianthu = say (v. second person, singular);
In standard Albanian: thuaj = say (second person, singular).
56- Θe  = say (n&v).
In Albanianthem = say (v. first person, singular; thenie/thënie = say (n).
As we can see, in the English word say, the consonant θ of the Etruscan θe is replaced with the consonant s. Etruscan words θeθiθilθu, θa survive in:
Gheg Albanian thu = say;
Albanian them = say (v. first person, singular); thirrje = call (n); tha = said (third person, singular);
Italian didire = say;
English tell etc., etc..
Etruscan word θe (or the Albanian word them) survives in almost all European languages in: Θέμαθεωρία, tematheme, theory etc..

57- Falaš  = of words, wordy.
In Gheg Albanianfialash = of wordswordy.
In standard Albanian: fialësh/fjalësh = of wordswordy.
Etruscan: fal = wordfala = the word;
Albanian: fial/fjalë = wordfiala/fjala = the word.

VIII- Χie m’ fušl e Velθina.

χie   = vision; beauty; shadow; ghost (fem.).
In Albanianhie/hije = visionbeautyshadow; ghost (fem.).
In Greek: σκιά = ghost; shadow.

IX- Xin θa cap, e mu ni clet, ma su.

58- χin = enters. 
In Albanian: hin/hyn = enters.

59- Θa  = In Albanian: ta (abbreviated form of the personal pronoun, third person, singular). In Albanian: ta kap = to catch (him/her/it).

60- Cap   = 1- catchholdcontain.          
In Albanian: kap = catchholdcontainkup/kupë = cupkuptoj = understand
kaptoj = overcome (v) etc., etc..
In Gheg Albaniankop/kap = catchholdcontain
Etruscan word cap survives in many European languages (as a wordroot which saves it’s semantic value).
In Italiancapace, capire, caparra, captare, coppa etc., etc.;
In Englishcopcup, occupate, capcapable, capacity, captive, captor, keep, capital etc., etc.
In Turkishkapak, kapiş, kapı, kapmak, etc., etc..

61- Mu   = just.
In Albanian: mu = just.

Ni = in; on.
In Gheg: ne/ni = in; on.

62- Clet     = head.
In Gheg Albaniankret (in some areas: kryt) = head;  
kre/kry = head;  the upper part of sth.
Krei/krej = to perform, to carry out, to complete (to do smth consciously);
kreoi/krioj = to create; kreies/kries = creature; kreit/krejt = quite (from the beginning to the end); krime/kryme = done (consciously done). 
In standard Albaniankryet = head; krye = see kre/kry.
kryei/kryej = to perform, to carry out, to complete (consciously); krioi/krijoj = to create; kries/krijesë =  creature; kreit/krejt = quite (from the beginning to the end).
There are numerous words in the nowadays European languages as well as in  ancient Greek and Latin which contain the wordroot kre/kry  (cre/cri) = head, the upper part of sb/sth.
In Italiancreare, credere, crescere, crimine, cresta, cretinata, critica, criterio etc.,  
In Greekκριτής, κριμα, κριτική, κρίσιμος, κριτήριο, κρίνο etc., etc..

63- Ma   = but.
In Italianma but;
In Albanianama = but;  

64- Su    = can’t.
In Gehg Albaniansu/sun = can’t.
In standard Albanian: smund = can’t.

X- Naper šranc zlθi i falšti Velθina.

65- Šranc  = the act of shrinking back (n).
In Albanian: shtankie/shtangie = the act of shrinking back; shmang = avoid, deviate.

66- Zlθi  /zəlθi/   = in a gentle voice.
In Albanianzëthi = the gentle voice; in a gentle voice.  

67- Falšti   = spoke (third person, singular). I falšti = spoke to (him);
In Gheg Albanianfolshti = spoke (third person, singular);
In standard Albanian: foli = spoke (third person, singular).

XI- Xut naper penezš, ma su.

68- χut    = 1- to confuse.
In Gheg Albanianhut = to confuse.
In standard Albanian: hutoj = confuse (v).
In Albanian: mos u huto! = don’t be confused!

69- Penezš   = ghost, phantasm; vision. See pa/pen.  

XII- Ac ni na! -clel Afuna.

70- Ac    = 1- near (see aci); 2- look! (similar with Italian ecco). 3- is there? (like Albanian a ka? = is there?, does it have?). 

71- Aci   = there (like the Greek εκεί).

72- Ni    = 1- one; 2- in.
In Gheg Albanian: ni = 1- one; 2- in;
In standard Albanian: nji = one = inon.

73- Na   = any.
In Gheg Albanian: na/no = any;
In standard Albanian: ndo = any.

74- Clel   = cries (v). In Albanian: clith = cry/s.

XIII- Velθina mler zinia.

75- Mler   = covers.
In Gheg Albanianmler/mlon = covers.
In standard Albanian: mbulon = covers.

76- Zinia  = the blackness; the darkness.   
In Gheg Albanianzinia = 1- the blackness, 2- the mourning, 3- the crisis.
In standard Albanian: zia = 1- the mourning; 2- the crisis.

XIV- Inte ma mer cnl.

77- Inte   = again, still.
In Albanian: ende stillagain.
Etruscan inte is the wordroot of intention.

78- Ma    = In Albanian it is a proclitic and enclitic form of the personal pronoun (first person, singular), ex: ma mer = take it for me; merma = take it from me.
In Greekμου.

79- Mer    = take/s.
In Albanian: mer = take/s (second and third person, singular).

80- Cnl   /kənəl/ = move (n&v).
Abbreviated (or colloquial) form of the Etruscan  cenu le (cenu means here and le means letlayleave).
In Albanian: leviz/viz = move (le leave, let; and: viz = line, trace).
Etruscan cnl is the etymology of canal.

XV- Velθina zia, š’aten e tesne.

zia = 1- the blackness, the darkness, the gloom; 2- dark.
In Albanian: i zi = black; zi = mourning; zia = the mourning.

81- Aten  = then, again.
In Gheg Albanianat’her; at’hera = then.
In standard  Albanianatëherë = then.
This is a compound word: atë+herë meaning that+time (the Albanian word herë = time; hera = the time  is the etymology of era = the period; the time).
In ancient Greekείτα =then.
Etruscan aten is the wordroot of attenzione (attention), attentare, etc..

XVI- E ca Velθinaθuraš! – θa uraχ, e lutes ne Rašne.

E  = article.
In Albanian: article (in genitive case for fem. nouns); 2- abbreviated form of the personal pronouns (third person): in dative for the singulars and in accusative for the plurals, eg: A e di ti Italishten? = Do you know Italian (language)?
Po, e di = Yes, I do (it).
In other European languages: Does not survive as an article but is used in numerous words, playing almost the same role as e in Albanian, eg:
In Italian: missione – emissione, motivo – emotivo, liminare – eliminare, dizione – edizione, etc., etc..  Compare the Albanian word:
e dukur /e dukur/ = handsome, conspicuous, with the Italian word:  educare.

82- E  ca  = it belongs to (him/her/it).
In Albaniane ka = it belongs to (him/her/it).

Θa   = said (in third person, singular).
In Albaniantha = said (third person, singular).

83- Urah  = 1- the way (the right way); 2- the noble; 3- the priest; 4- the correctness.
The root of this word is ur (in Liber Linteus: urχ) which
in Albanian means: ur/urë = 1- bridge. 2- linking way; Urë zjarri = ember -a pice of lighted wood we need to light the fire (zjarri = the fire).
It is the wordroot of these Albanian words: urata = the priest; uroj = wish (v);
urim = wish (n); urt/urtë = wisely, quietlycorrectlyi urt/i urtë = wise, noble (adj.), correctquiet;
In standard Albanianurtësi = correctnessnobility.
In Gheg Albanianurti/urtni = correctnessnobility;
In Greekωραία = fine, beautifully (adv.); ορθά = rightstraight; ορθή = correct.
In almost all the nowadays European languages: ortho- meaning rightcorrect.
It survives in almost all European languages in the interjection hurray! (ura, hurra,
urrahourra etc.).  
 There are numerous words in the nowadays European languages as well as in ancient Greek and Latin which contain the Etruscan wordroot ur/urχ:
Ural, γέφυρα = bridgeουρανός =sky, ορίζοντας = horizon, orient, urban, urgent, oracle, urine, oral, orator, origin, etc., etc., etc..

e     = and.
In Albanian and in Italian: e = and.

84- Lutes  = prays.
In Albanianlutet = prayslus/lut = prayimplore (first person, singular); i lus =
pray toimplore to; ju lutem! = please!
The Etruscan/Albanian words: lutlus (i lus) are the wordsroot of: i-llusoi-llusion, sa-lute, etc., etc.. 
In Turkish:  lütfen! = please!

85- Ne  = inon.
In Gheg Albanian: ne = inon;
In standard Albanian: inon.

86- Rašne   = 1- God; 2- The Ra God. 

XVII- Ce i tesn, š’te iš Rašneš Χimθ, špelθ uta šcuna; Afuna mena χen.

87- Ce   = 1- just; 2- that (both pron. and conj.).
In Geg Albanianke = justqe/qi = that (both pron. and conj.);
In Italianche = that (both pron. and conj.). Etc..

88- Tesn (i tesn) = now.
In Gheg Albanian: i tesh/i tash = now.    
In standard Albanian: tanitashtanimë, tashmë = now.

89- χimθ  = Himself (referring to God). Literally it means: at Him.
In Albanian: HiHy = He (referring to God).  

90- Špel  = cave.
In Albanian: shpell/shpellë = cave.

91- Špela  = the cave (fem.).
In Albanianshpella = the cave (fem.).
In Greek: σπηλιά = cave.
It’s the case to say that špela is the etymology of the Gheg Albanian word
shpeia/shpëia = the house.
In Greekσπίτι = house;
In standard Albanian:  shtëpia (in colloquial: shpia) = the house.

92- Špelθ = at the cave.
In Albanian: te shpella = at the cave;
Dialectal Albanian: shpellt = at the cave.
It is the case to say that the Etruscan špelθ or the dialectal Albanian shpellt is the etymology of the Albanian word shpeit/shpejt = 1- quickHurry up! 2- quickly, fast. It is quite comprehensible. In ancient times, especially when in danger: špelt! = at the cave! In nowadays Albanian: shpejt! = quickHurry up!
This word survives in many European languages: speed, schnell, spedare etc..

93- Uta  = they.
In Albanian: ata = they.

mena = inside, in.
In Gheg Albanian: mrena = in, inside;
In standard Albanian: brenda = in, inside.

χen   = enters.
In Albanian: hin/hyn = enters.

XVIII- Naper ci cnl - χare, utu še Velθina š’atena.

94- χare  delight, joy.
In Albanianhare = delightjoy.
In Greekχαρά = joy.
In Englishcharity, charisma, charm.
In Italiancarino, carisma, carita, caro, etc., etc..

95- Utu  = there; near.
In Albanian: aty = therenear.

96- Še    = sees.
In Gheg Albanian: she/shef = sees; sho/shof = see (first person, singular).
In standard Albanian: sheh = seesshoh = see (first person, singular).

XIX- Zu ci enesci i pa špela ne θi fulumχva.

97- Papen  = saw (v., third person, singular). I pa = (he, Afuna) saw (them, the stars).
These are  aorists of še = sees;
In Albanian: pa = saw (aorist of sheh/shef = sees). 
The same as with cem/ceha = have (first person, plural) or ca/cen = has (third person, singular).
The same as in nowadays Gheg Albanian: both kem and kena mean have (first person, plural).
In Albanian: parë = seen (p.p. of shoh = see; the same in all persons).
In Gheg Albanian: pamun/pamë = seen (in all persons). 
There are numerous words in the nowadays European languages as well as in  ancient Greek and Latin  which are formed by the Etruscan wordsroot pepenphenpa, pan, (or par), phan, (which are the aorists of sho/še = see/s): phenomen, panorama,phantasm, pene(n)trate, pensare, parata, pantheon,phantom, pania, panic/o, campare, apparent/e etc, etc., etc..

98- Fulumχva   = stars.
In Albanian pullumba/pëllumba means doves.

XX- Špel θi, rene θi.

99- Rene  = clouds.
In Gheg Albanian: rene = clouds.
In standard Albanian: retë = clouds.

XXI- Ešt ac Velθina; aci lun, e tu ru ne šcu ne Zea.

100- Ešt    = is.
In Gheg Albanianesht/asht = is.
In standard Albanianështë = is.
In Frenchest; etc..

ac; aci = near; there.

101- Lun   = moves.
In Gheg Albanian: lun = moves;
In standard Albanian: luan = moves.

102- Tu   = to.
In Gheg Albanian: tu = to.

103- Ru (tu ru) = to guard, to take care of; to keep (in memory).  
In Gheg Albanian: tu ru = to guardto take care of, to keep (in memory).

104- Ne  = we, us.
In Albanianne = weus.
In Italiannoi = we, us.

105- Šcu (tu šcu) = go (to go).
In Gheg Albanian: tu shku = to go.
In standard Albanian: shkoj = go.

106- Zea  = the God.
In ancient GreekZeus = God.
In Albanianzot = God.
In ThracianZea = God. See  http://thracian-translation.blogspot.com

XXII- Zu ci enesci: A θu mi cš Afunaš, pen θ’na ama Velθina?

107- A   = Interrogative particle, like a in Albanian, eg: A më kupton = do you understand me? Or in Gheg Albanian: A thu? = really?

108- Θu  = say (second person, singular).
In Gheg Albanian: thu = say (v. second person, singular);
In standard Albanian: thuaj = say (second person, singular).
109- Mi   = me.

110- Cš  /kəš = who.  
In Albanian: kush = who.

111- Papen   = saw (v., third person, singular). See above pa/pen.

θ  = abbreviated form of the Etruscan te.

XXIII- Afunaθur u ni ei n’ zeri una claθil θunχulθl.

112- Ni (u ni)  = felt, was affected (third person, singular).
In Gheg Albanian: nij = to feel (first person, singular); nin = feelse niu = felt (third person, singular); u ni = was affected (third person, singular).
In standard Albanian: ndij/ndiej = feel (first person, singular); ndien = feels;   ndieu = felt (third  person singular);
U  ndie = was affected (in Albanian, u is a proclitic and enclitic form of the personal pronoun; in that case in third person, singular).

113- N   = in.
In Albanian: n'/ = in.

114- Zeri  = the voice.
In standard Albanian: zëri = the voice.

115- Una   = one; the one.
In Italian: una/uno.

116- Claθil     = wail, cry (n).
In Albanian: klithm/ë = cry (n).
This is a compound word: cla thil.
In Gheg Albaniankla = cry (n), weep (n); klai = cry (v), weep (v).
In standard Albanianqaj = cryweep (v).
In Greekκλαίω = cryweep. See above for the Etruscan word θil.

θunχulθl   = hearing (n).

XXIV- Iχ ca ceχa ziχuχe.

117- Iχ   = particle, used in Geg Albanian before some pronouns and adverbs. Ex: i cët = this/thattu = herei ta = these (masc.); i to = these (fem.).

118- Iχ ca  = that.
In Gheg Albanian: i kët = that.

119- Ceχa  = have (first person, plural).
In Gheg Albaniankenakem = have (first person, plural).
In standard Albaniankemi = have (first person, plural).
In Greekέχουμε = have (first person, plural).
In Tabula Cortonensiscevaš = have (first person, plural).

120- Ziχuχe  = 1- blackened; 2- the writing. 
In Gheg Albanian: 1- nzihunblackened.
In standard Albanian: nxirë = blackened.
Ziχuχe is the past participle of the Etruscan word ziχ = 1- to black; 2- to write
Copyright © 2010 Petrit Laze. All rights reserved. Use of the information on this page for publication in any media is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the author.  

1 comment:

  1. If you have seen an english calendar its made up of numbers so too is the cippus.A calendar or fasti.
    An extract from the book 'materials for the studyof of the etruscan language.
    633 2 /asti larezu
    fasti larezul
    fasti - calendar
    fast.i n 2 1 voc p m
    fastus, fasti n (2nd) m [xxxdx] lesser
    calendar (pl.), almanac, annals; register of judicial days, register;
    The etruscans share the word fasti with the Romans.
